luni, 16 iunie 2008

Stop searching for the truth

17 iunie - 1 iulie 2008
17 iunie, 19.00 - vernisaj
Patrick Wagner
Stop searching for the truth
gravura, animatie

Aflat la finalul stagiului bursei de studii in cadrul Universitatii de Arte Bucuresti, Patrick se prezinta pe sine:

„I came here looking for a more <classical> approach to art, to counterbalance the more conceptual teachings of my university in Germany. However, upon walking across Piata Victoriei, I suddenly had the revelation that I should stop looking for what I do not want to find anyway”, spune Patrick.

Incepand cu marti, 17 iunie, cei interesati pot vedea la Atelier 35 o serie de gravuri croite impreuna. De asemenea, va fi disponibil si un preview al unei animatii inspirate de poemul lui Baudelaire „A journey to Kythera”, care isi propune sa povesteasca folosindu-se de tehnica gravurii.

„Journey to Kythera is a reocurring theme in my graphic work. Baudelaire's poem is maybe about the torment of love, and my Kythera works, both the older prints as well as the newer animation are attempts to translate this into printmaking”, spune artistul.

Patrick Wagner este un artist care a trait si a lucrat in Norvegia, Suedia, Japonia, Germania si acum si in Romania. Mai multe detalii despre artist puteti gasi pe site-ul sau .

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